fifty50 Coaching, Therapy and Training

Empowering Change: People & Planet

At fifty50, we plant a tree in East Rwanda for every coaching and therapy session we run. We also plant a tree for every person we train on our bespoke training and Mental Health First Aid - Done Properly programmes.

Why East Rwanda?

Agriculture is the backbone of Rwanda’s economy - accounting for one-third of the national GDP. However, Rwanda has been hit hard by rises in inflation.

Today, approximately 45% of children under the age of five in Rwanda suffer from chronic malnutrition, and one in four is undernourished.

The hillsides have been farmed extensively, leading to soil erosion and a loss of vital topsoil. A lack of trees on the hillsides that bind the soil has also led to landslides.

Your support

Since June 2024, we’ve partnered with Ecodrive, the One Acre Fund, the Rwandan Government, and local farmers to promote and verify sustainable agroforestry in Rwanda.

Agroforestry has a crucial role in ending hunger and poverty in Rwanda.

This program involves equipping smallholder farmers with the finance, skills, and expertise to improve the productivity, soil health, and climate resilience of their crops.

This, in turn, makes farming more profitable, sustainable, and resilient against climate change.


One Acre Fund


$0.55 per tree



Conventional Farming and the Role of Agroforestry

In agriculture, regenerative agroforestry is a transformative practice that boosts productivity and nurtures ecological balance. 

The hillsides in Rwanda have been extensively farmed for cash crops, such as maize and coffee. However, these practices have led to severe consequences for both the farmers and the environment. Soil erosion and the loss of vital topsoil have become pressing issues, rendering the land less fertile and threatening the livelihoods of communities dependent on agriculture. Additionally, the absence of trees to stabilise the soil on the hills has resulted in dangerous and devastating landslides, further exacerbating farmers' challenges.

Agroforestry presents a promising solution to these challenges, offering a path towards healthier crops and improved food security. How does this work? Through the strategic integration of trees alongside crops, agroforestry provides numerous benefits. Trees act as natural barriers, preventing soil erosion and holding the soil in place. They offer shade to the crops, reducing moisture loss and improving growth conditions.

Furthermore, trees contribute to water filtration and retention, and their biomass and leaf litter enrich the soil, providing natural fertilisation. This holistic approach nurtures soil health, enhances biodiversity, and fosters a more resilient agricultural system.

Partnership with Ecodrive & One Acre Fund

We partner with Ecodrive, which is owned by Veritree, to plant our trees. One Acre Fund, a prominent organisation dedicated to supporting smallholder farmers, has been instrumental in implementing regenerative agroforestry in Rwanda.

Ecodrive is proud to partner with them to scale this practice. Together, with the support of our corporate partners, we are providing smallholder farmers with the necessary financial resources, skills, expertise, and locally distributed tree seedlings to enhance their crops' productivity, soil health, and climate resilience.

By prioritising the needs of farmers and empowering them as stewards of their lands, the program aims to enable farmers to grow more food, plant more trees, earn higher incomes, and improve their overall livelihoods.

Insights from Rwandan Farmers

Meet Jean Pierre, a former plumber who had transitioned into farming. Jean Pierre's perspective is enlightening and poetic.

He likens trees to a bank, stating, "in one word, a tree is a bank, a bank account, a savings account." He emphasises that trees are not mere plants but valuable assets that farmers can rely on to secure their livelihoods. Just like a bank account holds savings and provides a sense of security, trees serve a similar purpose for farmers.

Jean Pierre's analogy beautifully captures the many benefits and long-term value trees bring to farmers. Much like a savings account that accumulates interest over time, trees grow and develop, offering various resources and services that farmers can utilise. Just as one can withdraw funds from a bank account when needed, farmers can benefit from trees when they require additional income or resources.

The comparison also underlines the importance of long-term planning and investment in trees. Similar to consistent deposits into a bank account that leads to increased savings, nurturing and growing trees over time results in a higher return in the form of improved soil fertility, increased crop yields, and income generation. Farmers can diversify their "investment portfolio" by planting various tree species, minimising risks associated with climate change and agricultural uncertainties.

However, the success of regenerative agroforestry lies not only in its initial implementation but also in long-term support and collaboration. Farmers like Jean Pierre emphasise the need for continued guidance and assistance to ensure the growth and maintenance of their agroforestry systems. Ongoing support in the form of knowledge sharing, resources, and mentorship is crucial to enable farmers to thrive and sustain the benefits of regenerative agroforestry practices. In this pursuit, partnerships between organisations, corporate sponsors, and farmers are pivotal in scaling up these initiatives and creating a resilient and prosperous agricultural sector.

The Path to Resilient and Prosperous Farming

The stories shared shed light on the transformative power of agroforestry. Integrating trees into agricultural systems can nurture ecological balance, enhance soil fertility, and empower farmers. The partnership between organisations like Ecodrive and One Acre Fund, combined with sustained support and collaboration, will pave the way for the widespread adoption of regenerative agroforestry practices.

Together, we can usher in a new era of resilient and prosperous agriculture where farmers prosper, ecosystems flourish, and our planet thrives.

Sustainable development goals supported